by s0ulsurfing | Jul 27, 2012 | Online
By Jason Swain I’ve been looking back through recent archives (2012) and have found another composition i like from the Isle of Wight SUP (stand-up paddle board) shoot in April at Compton Bay. It was taken back on a gloriously sunny and warm spring evening at...
by s0ulsurfing | May 9, 2012 | Online
A slightly different view of Stand up paddle surfing on the Isle of Wight. Shot with the 500mm sigma zoon lens, this tight crop makes me think of playing funky bass guitar for some reason, and i really like the bokeh caused by the light on the breaking wave. Play that...
by s0ulsurfing | May 8, 2012 | Online
Another Isle of Wight SUP photo, and again its looking at stand up paddle boarding in Compton Bay. This 2 frame vertorama (vertical panorama) composition is all about reinforcing the space and sense of freedom. The Sweeper – Isle of Wight SUP, originally...
by s0ulsurfing | Apr 29, 2012 | Online
It’s pouring down with rain here again this morning so i’m forced to dig out a bit of sunshine and Isle of Wight Water Sports from the archives. I found a few more different views of stand-up-paddle boarding in Compton Bay from that time when the sun was...
by s0ulsurfing | Apr 8, 2012 | Online
Another from the Stand up Paddle Surfing (SUP) shoot at Compton Bay, Isle of Wight, on a gloriously sunny and warm spring evening. Using the sigma 50-500mm telephoto lens and deliberately shot into the sun for a silhouette and maximum shimmering sea. It was then...