by s0ulsurfing | Nov 12, 2010 | Surf Blogs
The thing about having a surfing blog / website, is that every now and again you feel obliged to write something to justify all the trouble you went to in building the thing in the first place and all the other time you’ve spent filling it with content in the...
by s0ulsurfing | Nov 12, 2010 | For Sale
Surfboard for sale Gulfstream – Retro Rocket 6’8″ x 20″ x 2 1/2″ Swallow Tail. Hardly used. Had custom made and have surfed it abroad but tend to just use a Longboard on the Island and it isn’t being used. Slight damage to tail but...
by s0ulsurfing | Oct 19, 2010 | Surf Blogs
This Saturday sees the start of the IOW Surf Club Frost Bite Series! Essentially it is a winter league. 1 Comp a Month. Oct-March 6 events Your best three results to count. How will it work? First Saturday of the month that has contestable waves means the contest is...
by s0ulsurfing | Sep 23, 2010 | Surf Blogs
Got there in the end, this is the final batch from the afternoon of Friday 3rd September, just after low tide with a pretty stiff offshore breeze making it good fun as the tide pushed in, Fingers crossed for some more waves on the way (this weekend if we’re...
by s0ulsurfing | Sep 21, 2010 | Online
September Swells on the IOW, looks can be deceiving (1 of 2), originally uploaded by s0ulsurfing. Fingers crossed we have more waves on the way this weekend, so i’m clearing out the archives in expectation of them. Is Ross Williams just about to slip into a...