By Jason Swain. I’ve not posted much on this soul surfing blog recently, hardly any decent surf for me during the summer months and when i have been in, no time to hang around and take photos after, so thats my excuse for posting a non-surfing related image from a part of the Island that isn’t famed for its surf :0) It’s the second in a (short) series of images created after a recent trip to Priory Bay ( I’m on the east coast of the Isle of Wight for a change)

You can see the first one here on my other blog Isle of Wight Pictures

As described in the first piece, the beach at Priory Bay was packed with a mix of locals and tourists on a lovely sunny afternoon and at the far south end of the bay I could see a sailing school just beginning to head out to sea for a lesson, when out of nowhere, a dense sea fog came rolling in and completely enveloped the bay, the whole thing taking just a few minutes.
It was quite surreal, the boats all turned around and headed back in, mums called their kids back from paddling in the shadows, it really felt like a scene from a Stephen King horror movie.

But for me it was a unique photo opportunity and i knew these little sailboats would make for great composition and also work well with some flypaper textures to create a faux vintage, oil painting type finished image. (Click here to visit Flypaper Textures.)

Sea Fog at Priory Bay, Isle of Wight, originally uploaded by s0ulsurfing.

Sea Fog at Priory Bay

©2012 Jason Swain, All Rights Reserved

This and the other photos on the site are all © Jason Swain with All Rights Reserved. The image is not available for use on websites, blogs or other media without the explicit written permission of the photographer. Please contact me via email if you want to use it in any way or license it for your own project.
