Endless summer – Isle of Wight style in November by Jason Swain. After months of blogging a fews weeks AFTER the event, I’ve got my act together and today’s post actually happened today! Lovely waves this morning at Compton Bay, nice clean groundswell with just a light easterly grooming the faces, and best of all, warm November sunshine. I got ‘the call’ early from Ian Pacey who was out at first light, as well as texts and calls from Paul Blackley and Gemma Flower, you know when three different people call you, its going to be a good day!
The waves were quite a bit bigger when i went surfing than when i took photos after surfing, as the tide had dropped off by then (Paul Blackley was shooting early on and i’ll link to his shots when he posts them) but the light was so nice that I hung around for a bit in my wetsuit and grabbed a few photos so i didn’t feel completely guilty for neglecting my job as a photographer 🙂
Paul Blackley, Alan Reed, Nigel Howell and Chris Court making the most of what was left.
Click on any thumbnail for a full size slideshow!
©2012 Jason Swain, All Rights Reserved
The photos on the site are all © Jason Swain with All Rights Reserved. The image is not available for use on websites, blogs or other media without the explicit written permission of the photographer. Please contact me via email photo@jasonswain.co.uk if you want to use it in any way or license it for your own project.