I’m not sure how many parts there will be in total 🙂

Dawn Patrol (part tow) by Jason Swain. And it’s photo blog number four from the swell that keeps on giving! Surfed some lovely clean waves today (wednesday)  but no photos, these are still shots from the mornings low tide surfing at Freshwater Bay on Tuesday morning.

All photos shot with the Sigma 50-500mm telephoto lens on a Canon 6d camera body, mostly shot from the right hand side of the bay, on or close to the cabbage patch, tricky spot in the morning as you can be shooting right into to the sun at times but occasionally you’ll get some silhouetted action that makes it all worth it.

Click on any picture to start the slideshow, and from there you can also see the exif data on each shot.

©2014 Jason Swain, All Rights Reserved

The photos on the site are all © Jason Swain with All Rights Reserved. The image is not available for use on websites, blogs or other media without the explicit written permission of the photographer. Please contact me via email photo@jasonswain.co.uk if you want to use it in any way or license it for your own project.
