surf photo galleryDancing in the dark By Jason Swain. Apologies as I’m a bit late in getting round to posting the images here, but its been a very busy last few weeks for me with lots of weddings, parties and business events to photograph (you can have a look at the gallery page on my website if you are interested), and several new website builds to complete. But better late than never, here’s a Surf photo gallery taken under dark and stormy skies at Freshwater Bay on the 5th of October 2012. As the first half-decent autumn swell made an appearance on the Isle of Wight and a small group of locals made the most of what was on offer. By the way, if you look very carefully you might even spot a former British Surf Champion (Johnny Fryer) back in the lineup where he grew up. Other faces i spotted out there on the day include Ian Pacey, Sam Scadgell, Will Rome, Tom Court and Chris Mannion.

Dancing in the Dark – Surfing at Freshwater Bay – Images by jason swain


©2012 Jason Swain, All Rights Reserved

The photos on the site are all © Jason Swain with All Rights Reserved. The image is not available for use on websites, blogs or other media without the explicit written permission of the photographer. Please contact me via email if you want to use it in any way or license it for your own project.
